AdHoc Philosophy

This is important to us.

Pineapple The development of our lifestyle products for kitchen and table top follows a clear line. They are just as convincing as companions for special moments as they are in daily use in the kitchen. Products from AdHoc are simply timelessly beautiful and contemporary in equal measure. And they are instantly recognisable because they stand out from our competitors.



Love of perfection.

Pineapple We want to contribute to a stylish life. The interaction of function and form should be a source of pleasure for people and further improve kitchen and table culture. This requirement is precisely reflected in each of our products: the great love of perfect function, modern aesthetics and easy handling.





Employees who care.

Pineapple Our employees are dedicated with heart and mind and contribute to the added value for our company. They feel out exactly what it is that our products need to make them contemporary yet timelessly beautiful both today and tomorrow. Commitment, creativity and innovation are the qualities characterizing our team. We are open to new approaches, which we explore vigorously in our think tank. The result: innovative products with the charisma of the AdHoc brand. And with outstanding quality and long durability for the purpose of sustainability.


Our orientation: German design philosophy.

Pineapple“Only perfect harmony in the technical purpose and functioning and in the proportions of the shapes can give rise to beauty. And this makes our task multi-faceted and complicated.” What Walter Gropius specifies for architecture as the unification of function and aesthetics, applies just as much to our lifestyle accessories for kitchens and table culture. Because only if they look good and work excellently we have done everything right.


AdHoc products are developed with elegant German design and functionality down to the smallest detail. Products are timelessly beautiful and modern in equal measure as well as a pleasure to use every day. Inspired by the classic design principle “design follows function”, we innovate our products for the passionate and design conscious cooks. AdHoc – Products made for now. 


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